Welcome to the Promo post for a wonderful Book. Sheltered by Debra Chapoton.
You will find a great excerpt and bio on the author here. And next week, watch for a giveaway I will do with this book next week as well.
Blurb for Sheltered:
Living together
unsupervised, five troubled teens confront demonic forces and are compelled to
deal with their problems in distinctly different ways. Paranormal meets psycho
meets Goth in this story of a supernatural haunting and budding love.
High school junior,
Ben, hacks into his step-father's real estate holdings and provides rooms in an
old two-story house to various outcasts: the schizophrenic kid, the angry Goth
girl, and the homeless girl who worships him. When Megan needs a place to live
she comes to the rooming house with a different set of problems and the ability
to confuse and attract Ben.
One by one strange and
mysterious occurrences stretch the teens’ beliefs in the supernatural. How they
deal with demons, real and imagined, has tragic as well as redeeming
Author: Debra Chapoton
Websites: www.edgeofescape.blogspot.com
Title: Sheltered
Purchase Links:
Available in Paperback and Digital (paperback link available in October)
Debra's Bio:
Debra Chapoton has
taught kids of all ages in her main career as a teacher. She has a BA in
Spanish and a Master of Arts degree in Teaching English. She started writing in
2002 and was surprised to find out that the characters quickly take over the
action and dialogue in the stories.
Her first YA novel, Edge of Escape, was self-published and then discovered by Piper Verlag Publishing and
translated into German.
Stalking and obsession get a sympathetic twist in this story of physical and
psychological survival.
Her second YA novel, Sheltered,
detours into a different genre as she writes about five teens who confront supernatural
forces. Two boys and three girls all harbor secrets which make some of them
susceptible to demon possession. Embracing all things supernatural might protect
them, but are they ready for the consequences?
Chapoton has also
written eleven chapter books for middle grade kids and a non-fiction work for
adults, Crossing the Scriptures.
When she’s not writing
Chapoton enjoys the quiet of the full log home she designed and built with her
husband. They live in the middle of 62 acres of beautiful woods in northern
Excerpt from Sheltered:
Next Wednesday
Emily knew the precise
moment that Ben returned, she felt him in her scars. She watched him carry some
things to the house, heard the door close; she smiled when she heard him call
out that Santa was here. He did that once before, in early December, insisting
that she accept the gift he held out, not wanting her to wait until Christmas
to use the mittens he knew she needed.
She went toward her
door now, wondered what he had brought, and then heard Megan’s voice below. Oh
no, he probably brought something for her. She scuttled back to her nest by the
window and stared outside, was still staring fifteen minutes later when she saw
them walk down the street, Ben shouldering a shovel, his other hand knotted
with Megan’s.
She touched the skin
on her arms, lightly at first, making it tingle. The image of Ben with Megan
multiplied across her mind in broken mirrors, a repugnant picture that
reflected her own self-loathing. She scratched at her scabs, felt the pricks of
pain force away the ticklish sensations. She closed her eyes.
When she opened them
she saw a figure standing at her door.
“Who–?” she started,
but the figment waned to less than a shadow. Still, though, there was something
at her door.
She rose slowly and
held her hand out.
Its face was more
womanly now, friendly, motherly. Yes, she knew this face. Its pearly white skin
so shocking against the ruby lips, the stringy hair a match to her own. Her
She stretched her
fingers toward the face. The hallucination faded then sharpened. The eyes began
to blaze. She drew her hands back to her own face. What’s wrong with me? The delusion grieved Emily; all around her fluttered
a longing.
And a deadly fear.

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