My rating: 5 of 5 stars
WOW! This is an AMAZING story. I got so caught up in it, I kept
hiding from my responsibilities to read more! I could not get enough of Caleb
and Maggie. I think this series so far is a tie with some other favorites of
mine. I am totally hooked. You have to give this book a chance, you will get
hooked, and want to read the rest in the series too. This is the first one too.
I sure with Ace’s were real (its what Caleb is, and when he imprints with
Maggie, she becomes one too, it’s a good things) Ace’s are human’s sortof, with
special abilities, and when they find their Significant (soul mate) they ascend
and come into their full abilities. Each person has different abilities, and no
way to know what you end up with. This story is mesmerizing in a way that is
hard to describe. The way they feel for each other is epic, and makes you want
to crawl into the book and be Maggie! Lol I can’t praise enough on how much
this story has moved me. It really, really gets to you.
It starts with Maggie saving Caleb’s life, she pulls him back from
stepping out in front of a fast moving truck, and saves him, they do not
imprint until they touch (skin contact) and it don’t happen right away, it’s
about 15 minutes later that it happens. Here is a very sweet quote, a look
inside Caleb’s head, he can show her his memories, and they can read each other’s
minds, and communicate silently too. Anyway, she was feeling like he only
wanted to be with her because of the imprint, so he is showing her what he
thought of her before they imprinted, when she saved him. It’s very sweet.
Here is where he shows her, this is after he read her thoughts of
her insecurities.
Kindle location 2711 of 13135
Kindle location 2711 of 13135
“That is absolutely not true.” He insisted, reading my feelings, before laying his forehead against mine.
I felt the push and tingle of our skin, his heartbeat steady beside mine, and then I was seeing him, a vision of him. He was standing at a stoplight, listening to Cage The Elephant on his mp3 player and thinking about Kyle coming to join him at Tennessee the next semester. He looked back and did a double take as a beautiful young girl made her way to the cross walk stop.
I couldn’t believe that was what I looked like to him. I didn’t look like some silly high school girl. I looked pretty and confidant, distant and a little sad.
The girl looked around and even in the dim light he could see her freckles. He liked them. She checked her phone and stopped behind him to wait. He wanted to turn and get a better look, but didn’t want to seem like he was checking her out so he peeked back and smiled and nodded when she caught him instantly. He turned back and wished he could talk to her, but there was no point. It would make it worse.
He waited impatiently for the light to turn so he could leave and get the girl out of his mind. He had no idea why he was so struck by her anyway. The light turned and he peeked back once more and started to cross but she wasn’t looking, she was checking her phone again. He didn’t look both ways before crossing because he was looking back, to get one last peek before never seeing her again. Me.
When he turned back it was too late, then he felt a jerk on his back and tumbled backwards on top of something. When he rolled off and realized what had happened. The sad, anxious, beautiful girl had saved his life.
He didn’t know what to say or do. He asked if she was ok and when he finally heard her voice saying that she was, he thought it was the sweetest sound ever to hit his ears.
He could see a cut on her brow and reached his hand to push back her hair. It was soft and curly. He could smell her shampoo and it was doing marvelous things to his senses. Add that to the sweet green eyes looking up at him and that was it.
He started to question right then if he was imprinting with her, but no visions came, no jolts or tingles or fire as was described by his family. Just butterfies and a racing pulse.
And he was disappointed.
He never found anyone he really wanted before. There was no one he ever thought about breaking the no dating rule with, no one that made his heartbeat and trip, until now. And he was so very disappointed that he couldn’t have her, especially after she saves his life.
We stop there, move on to after he walks her to Kyles (his cousin,
who she is friends with, she was supposed to meet up with) they talk and he
really likes her. Then they do shake hands and the imprint happens, I won’t
quote that part. But it’s cool how it happens.
Here is after the imprint and the visions ect
Kindle location 2773
He knew it. He had just imprinted with the girl he wanted more than any other, the girl he thought he’d never have. She was his.
I was brought back to the present when Caleb pulled his head back a little, but kept his face close.
“Now, you see. Don’t doubt how I feel about you. This has nothing to do with an imprint and everything to do with you”
I was breathless and in awe of what Caleb had shown me, his memories. They were clear and vivid and had seemed all too real. It was strange to watch the same event through different eyes. What was stranger still was that Caleb had wanted me before the imprinting. Before. I couldn’t stop the smile that spread my cheeks.
I knew I needed to say something.
“You almost got hit by a truck because you were checking me out?” I joked and he laughed loudly.
“Yeah. It’s a good thing you saved me. It would have been all your fault if I didn’t make it,” he said through a grin.
See why I love Caleb, he is the best guy EVER!!
This book has lots going on, a rival Ace family, is jealous because
they had imprinted, as none of the Ace people have imprinted in a long time. So
now they are out to get Maggie, to try to keep her and Caleb from ascending and
coming into their full powers. It’s got lots of action and suspense.
It’s fascinating how this all plays out. Its written brilliantly
Give it a shot. (I have this set of books as a prize for a giveaway
check it out)
I highly recommend this book and series to anyone who loves a good
paranormal romance.
I have a giveaway, that has this series as one of the prize packs. Come check it out.
I have a giveaway, that has this series as one of the prize packs. Come check it out.