Title: Frost Arch
Author: Kate Bloomfield
Series: The Fire Mage Trilogy
Publisher: Amazon Digital services
Publication Date: Feb 8, 2012
Links: Goodreads
This book totally hooked me in, hook, line and sinker, right from the start. It’s such an interesting story, and not at all what I expected. It was a totally original idea to me.
The whole idea of magic people, called Mages, like our main character is a Fire Mage, she can control fire, produce it, everything. There are many different types, Ice Mage, Healers, like her friend Jack. Ones that can read minds, etc. Anyone who does not have a power, is treated like garbage, called a Human, which to them is like an animal, slaves, etc. It’s like thousands of years in the future, and technology does not exist anymore, everything is controlled with the magic of the Mages. It’s quite interesting how the evolution of the Mage, changed over the years. It was quite interesting.
Avalon, our Fire Mage in this story is quite the character. I love her friend Jack, he reminded me of Puck in the Iron Fey series, his personality just reminded me so much of him. Happy go lucky type, and he is a great friend to Avalon. I will say, Avalon is one tough cookie, to go through what she does, it would have drove me insane. I won’t tell you what, its quite disturbing really, but overall this is a great story. I am so happy it’s a series, and very glad it had a pleasant ending, not some giant cliffhanger. I am going to get the second book as soon as I can, as I am anxious to read what happens next.
I loved Ræven she was an amazing and unique character. And who wouldn’t love Hawthorne, I am not telling you who he is, you get to discover the wonder of Hawthorne yourself, he is amazing!
The only thing I was missing in this book, is a romantic relationship for Avalon. She is 18, and should have one, I mean, her and Jack are close, but it’s a best friends type thing. Although, I think they have feelings for one another, but it could be one of those that develop over the series, which is fine, as I get a little sick of the insta-love we find in so many books nowadays.
Give this one a try. But keep in mind, it’s got some disturbing abuse type parts, and really more for mature readers. I mean, mature 16-17 year olds should be fine reading it, the story as a whole would attract a wide range of ages, so its why I mention it.
Flamethroat is the 2nd book, and I am looking forward to it. I also downloaded the free Prequel of Jack Greenwood before meeting Avalon, it said to read this Frost Arch first. Get Jack Greenwood Free Here at Smashwords
Get Ræven Blacklock Here at Smashwords too now FREE
Get Ræven Blacklock Here at Smashwords too now FREE
5 out of 5 stars for me!
I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest review from the group at Goodreads called Shut Up & Read {Read it &Reap} .

Chapter One
Flight of the Fire Mage
Pimp My ProfileFlight of the Fire Mage
500 years after the war between the Mages and Humans...
I sat perched upon my windowsill, contemplating what I was about to do. Would they miss me? How long before they noticed I was gone?
It was the dead of night, and the Hawthorne tree outside my window swayed a little in the wind. With one last glance at my bedroom, I launched myself from the window, the gravel crunching noisily as I landed.
It took only ten minutes to walk into the heart of Mortlock. The cottages were dark, and silent. I was determined to follow the road that would lead me out of this town, to the nearest city. It should only take two days, tops.
As I passed the town square a rather wonderful sight met my eyes. A man was tethering horses to a large cart that looked old and worn from over-use.
The man seemed to hear my footsteps, for he looked over his shoulder as I approached. I recognised him at once as an acquaintance of my father’s. Jefferson, I believed his name was.
‘If it isn’t Avalon Redding,’ the old man said.
I stopped a few feet short of the man. ‘Jefferson.’
‘What are you doing out so late? It’s not safe, you know?’
‘Where are you going?’ I ignored his question. I knew Jefferson was in the delivery business and constantly on the move, but he came back to Mortlock every week or so for a few nights before heading off again.
Jefferson tightened the reins of a horse before replying. ‘Frost Arch, then off to other little towns.’
I had heard the key word.
‘Room in your cart for more cargo?’ I asked.
‘Eh?’ Jefferson looked at me curiously.
‘I was wondering if I could ask a favour of you Jefferson.’ I knew I must choose my words carefully.
Jefferson took a step closer; his horses snorted impatiently and began chewing on the grass.
‘I need a ride, and by the looks of it you were just about to be on your way.’
Jefferson’s face fell and he eyed me up and down. I could tell what he was thinking. ‘Hm, well, I don’t see why not. Are you safe?’ He asked.
I felt like kicking him in the shins.
I tapped my foot impatiently. ‘I wont set your cargo on fire.’
Jefferson nodded though he didn’t look too thrilled about the idea of an eighteen-year-old Fire-Mage being confined in a wooden carriage for many hours.
‘So you’ll help me then?’ I prompted.
‘All right, all right,’ Jefferson said. ‘Hop on the cart. Don’t mind the smell, or the noises coming from the box at the back.’
‘Thank you.’ I breathed.
My heart was pounding wildly in my chest. This was it. I felt my eyes begin to mist up immediately and I tried to hold it back. I couldn’t let Jefferson see me lose control or he would never let me onto his carriage. I clambered onto the back as my eyes began brimming with molten tears. I sat at the back of the cart and took a deep, calming breath.
It was a little cramped on the cart. There was several crates and it smelled of hay and horsehair. I heard Jefferson scramble onto the seat at the front of the carriage, reigns in his hands. I breathed deeply and the carriage began to move. Within a minute we had rounded a corner and Mortlock was no longer in sight.
The gentle swaying and trotting echoed through my body. I felt like an empty shell. I had run away without any goodbyes. I hoped my family would understand.
Mortlock wasn’t home to any other Fire-Mages. This meant that my family and I were outsiders.
My mother and father had cursed me with their fire starting ‘gift’. The good thing about being part of a family of Fire-Mages is you don’t run the risk of accidentally murdering your family in a deadly inferno. That was, until my little sister Helena had been born.
We expected her to be a Fire-Mage like my mother, father and I, but Helena hadn’t shown any signs that she was a Mage of any kind at all. This was terrifying for my family, not only because it was dangerous for her to be living in a house where fires often occurred, but also another reason entirely.
Those who are void of Power are called Humans. Pre-apocalyptic beings that have been dying out for the past 1000 years, and are only used for one purpose. Slavery.
We were positive she would be taken away from us if anyone ever found out. No one had ever heard of someone with a Mage bloodline being totally void of Power.
We had spread rumour that Helena was fragile and sickly, so that no one would wonder why she never left our home. It would only be a matter of time before the Realm of Mages found out that there was a human living amongst them an equal.
The Realm was there to ensure that no Human is a threat to our way of life. It’s a widely known fact that the Realm does not tolerate kindness to Humans. If you defy the Realm then you’ll be slaughtered.
My entire family, including myself faced this fate just by keeping Helena a secret.
This was why I ran away.
*Disclosure of Material Connection: I
received a copy of this book from the author of the above mentioned book/books
for free in the hope that I would review and mention it on my blog. Regardless,
I only recommend books I personally read and enjoy, and you as my readers may
also enjoy. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade
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