Saturday, July 14, 2012

Stacking the Shelves 7/14

Stacking the Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks.
Hosted by Tyngas Reviews, visit her site to get all the guidelines, and to add to the linky list if you want to participate.

I have a montage of 200 of my to-read books, they are in this in random order. I wanted to start my first post with most of them here. Then I will add the new ones each week. I need to catch up. :)

I also have put the links to my ebooks that I own shelf at Goodreads, I can trade any of these ebooks (i either got them as ARC or from authors, or publishers, or bought them) I only will trade them, like I would a physical book, or in some of them loan out from Amazon.

I will work on a list of my physical books that I want to find new homes for too. I do not read physical books much anymore. My eyes are too bad now, I need the Kindle for its Big fonts I can use now. I despise audio books too, so only ebooks when I can. 

I also would do trades of my physical books, for an ebook I want too. ( I will have a list soon, need to go through them)

My Goodreads ebook owned list (can trade)

Complete to read shelf link Goodreads To-read

I wanted to mention, I just finished reading Dreaming Dangerously (Children of the Psi) and Darkness Descends (Children of the Psi book 2) By Kathleen Harsch You can find my reviews here for book one, and Here for 2.

I am reading Fae Not by Leah Spiegel for review   GoodReads | Amazon 

Michelle's to-read book montage

Last Sacrifice
The Golden Lily
Spirit Bound
Touching Smoke
Fang Me
Shadow Kiss
Explosive Eighteen
The Goddess Inheritance
Angel Burn
Greta and the Goblin King
When Darkness Hungers
Men of the Otherworld
Let the Sky Fall
Misguided Angel
The Immortal Rules

Michelle L.'s favorite books »