By A.G. Liam
Genre: Vampire, paranormal, NA
Date of Publication: March 18, 2014
ISBN: 978-1494978051
Number of pages: 314
Word Count: 78,691
Cover Artist: Addy Banks Graphics

Book Description:
Dani is determined to change. Trodden down by her abusive stepdad, neglectful mother, and nonexistent social life, Dani decides to leave it all behind—she flees into the night and finds herself in a dark, and strangely wondrous, new world. A world unknown to most humans.
However, destiny is an unpredictable force. Through a peculiar turn of events, she unknowingly gets entangled in a brutal war waging between two factions of vampires.
The Ruemisuds are a technologically advanced, elite vampire society that wants absolute control. They will stop at nothing to get it, including experimenting on unsuspecting humans and decimating the Rhowels, a clandestine, rebel clan of vampires. This clan possesses a key to survival that the Ruemisuds desperately want, and they will protect it until the bitter end.
Dani's riveting journey has just begun in this beautiful tale of love, hate, betrayal, and, above all, survival. The war is escalating quickly and Dani is determined to survive. Who will help her? Who will win the war?
Someone bangs against the mailbox behind us. I feel a knot in my throat as my adrenaline kicks in. My heart starts to race, pounding in my chest. We sprint as fast as we can with our hands clutched together. Dani keeps glancing back to make sure we aren’t being followed. She then looks at me with a sly half-smile. Only the left side of her lip stretches and reveals a little bit of her teeth. I recall that used to turn me on at school every time I saw it as she walked past me . . . and it still does. My left shoe becomes untied and I clumsily trip. I totally feel stupid and awkward.
I look at Dani and she gives me a concerned look. She then continues to look back and to the sides. We both look at Bushing Park up ahead and nod in agreement.
There might be a place to hide there. “Let’s chill in Bushing for a bit,” I suggest, breathing heavily.
“OK, but you have to listen to me, please! This thing wants to kill you!” Dani blurts out hastily.
“What? Are you serious?” I stop on a dime. “Dani, what the hell? What’s going on?” I smoked a little pot earlier, but my high is wearing off. My cloudy mind becomes alert. I finally notice Dani’s clothes are stained and she is a mess. A light goes off in my head. Dani is in some serious trouble, and so am I. Dammit. What are we going to do?
I should’ve taken that martial arts class that I’ve been meaning to take for some time now. How am I going to protect her? Dammit. I can’t stop cursing at myself. We continue to run side by side, staying low and trying not to make any noise.
Dani notices I’m out of breath and starts to slow down until she comes to a halt under a tree. I’m badly in need of a break from all the running. How the heck does this girl have so much stamina and energy? She’s hardly tired.
“Matt, there’s this thing—it’s coming for you because you are human!” She grabs my arm tighter and ready to take off again.
“What! Because I’m human? What the heck are you then?” I barely deliver those words as I exhale heavily. This is absurd. She must be high or something. I throw Dani’s grip away and point at her with authority. “You need to calm the hell down! I’m calling 9-1-1!” I reach for my cell phone but Dani forcibly holds my hand to not let me pull it out.
She grabs my face with her hands and pulls my face close to hers. “Matt, please trust me! Just hide with me for a bit. I can explain everything!”
A deep rumbling sweeps through the park, like one of those cars with heavy bass. Is someone driving their low-rider into the park? That can’t be right. I try to make sense of my surroundings as I begin to hear clashing metal on metal clanking near the kids’ playground. It sounds like chain mail going across the monkey bars. Shit. Dani might be onto something.
I can hear rapid huffs and puffs of air. The last time I heard deep breathing like that was when we had a giant bull at my family’s ranch. Whatever this thing is that’s out there, I can tell it’s very large.
A.G. grew up in a gloomy and quaint suburb near London, England, and now lives in sunny southern California with her family. She has been an avid horror and paranormal fan since she can remember, reading Goosebumps when she was a child, to watching twilight zone as a teenager with her grandpa.
She earned her B.A. in psychology, but decided to follow her passion of storytelling instead. Dark Incidence is her first full length novel, a unique vampire science fiction told through the eyes of two siblings. A.G. also has directed numerous shorts and written children’s books.
Her favorite pastime is watching paranormal and horror movies, painting landscapes and seascapes, and reading fiction novels. She can never turn down an invite to eat something home cooked.
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I enjoyed this book a lot, it wasn’t exactly what I expected though, but still liked it. I think the author did a great job at telling this story, and liked the duel point of views from Dani and her older brother Paul. Though the prologue is from Matt’s point of view. I wish there was more of Matt in this, and hated that his part was so short. I didn’t feel what happened was necessary at all, and actually made the story fall flat at that point for me. I did finish the book, but my enthusiasm was not there as much.
I felt that Mat and Dani’s relationship could have been a bit more in-depth though, I had a bit of trouble relating to their emotions and actions towards each other, I guess mainly because it happened super fast.
I think one flaw that just didn’t sit well with me, is Matt’s reactions to the situation they are in, just took to what happened too easy, and it was unrealistic as was that fast relationship. I was glad that Dani found someone who accepted her and he made her feel like she was loved.
I will say this book is not for the weak of the stomach. Some scenes are downright horrid in a torture kind of way. Just awful, what was described was described too well, where I could see it, and gave me chills. So even though the scenes were disturbing, they showed how great this author is.
I do highly recommend this to the paranormal lovers who do not mind some gore in their books. The romance is short, and only takes place in a very small part of the book, so people looking for romance will not be satisfied I do not think.
I give it 4 out of 5 stars. I do recommend it, and would read any future books for sure.
I was provided a copy of this book for my honest review.
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