Friday, September 28, 2012

Feature and Follow Friday 9/28

Welcome to the Feature & Follow Hop, Hosted By Parajunkee's and

Feature and Follow Friday is a blog hop, that is designed to provide some much-appreciated exposure to the bloggers participation, and to expand their following. Each of our great host will feature a chosen blog each week, it’s an interesting way to get to know one another.

Q What is the BIGGEST word you’ve seen used in a book lately-that made you stop and look it up? Might as well leave the definition and book too

It would have to be abhorred (meaning: FORMAL: regard with disgust and hatred) which fits that part of book.
From a great book, by a brilliant (and smart) author Rebekah Armusik  her 3rd book in the Gothic Memoirs called Lucifer Rising I really LOVED this book, and learned many new words and meanings in all 3 books (by the way, her 4th is out on Halloween, will be doing a giveaway for it) (by the way, her husband does oil paintings of all the covers) Thank goodness for the Kindle Fire, and being able to highlight and get definition of words. lol

Of course now that this question was burning in my brain, another word flagged me down while reading my current book, Ephemeral , which is not surprising, as Addison Moore does use many new words to me, never repetitive at all, and love that. She doesn't over use a new word, be lucky to see it more than once anyway. That word this time is 
malfeasance : Definition: wrongdoing, esp. by public official. Origin late 17th Cent: from Anglo-Norman
French malfaisance, from Mal-'evil' + Old Frence faisance 'activity'. 
Found some of the history of the word interesting.
I found the name of the book definition interesting as well
ephemeral : lasting for a very short time-temporary

By the way, excellent book :) Goodreads

If your new to the Friday hop, comment and let me know, so I can come and see your blog. If your a new follower, let me know that too.

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee's and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it'll allow us to show off more new blogs! more new blogs!

If you have CAPTCHA word verification enabled on your blog, please take it off. It makes it much more difficult for readers to comment. Please look at Alisons CAPTCHA eradication Post to learn how to get rid of it.

Visit my current giveaways while here, right upper sidebar, or giveaway tab. :)