Seraphina: The Awakening
Seraphina Series
Book One
Sheena Hutchinson
Sheena Hutchinson

Genre: Paranormal Romance
Number of pages: 150 in e-book format
Word Count: 60,000
Cover Artist: Andrea Garcia
Cover Model: Sheena Hutchinson
Book Description:
For as long as she can remember, Seraphina Cross has experienced these visions that made her feel like there was more to life. It wasn’t until one moment, one accident that her life changed forever. She awakens the next day a new person in more ways than one. With no recollection of past night’s events, she’s forced to adapt to certain sensations she is experiencing all while trying to piece together what exactly happened to her that fateful night.
Her strange, hectic life doesn’t seem to make sense until she meets a handsome stranger. Only then does the puzzle finally piece itself together. What she doesn’t expect is the new powers she has developed attracting all kinds of unwanted attention.
Thrown into a world she never truly believed existed she is forced to come to grips with who she is becoming while staying out of trouble long enough to figure out what needs to be done to fulfill her destiny.
Available at Amazon and Amazon UK
Free at Amazon right now! Aug 4-8, Get it while you can Amazon Kindle
About the Author:
Sheena is a born and raised New Yorker, even her writing can’t hide her hard sarcasm. Like some she went to college blindly and spend her early years trying to decide which path to take, dabbling in various jobs and career ventures, such as modeling, clinical psychology, retail, and medical billing. All before destiny lead her to writing again. She constantly strives to be a positive role model and write stories that empower and inspire.
Sheena always roots for the underdog, believes in love at first sight, and that everyone should have their happily ever after. While God is currently writing her love story she continues to put all her time into her writing as she is constantly getting new inspiration.
For more on Sheena and her books visit her website
Twitter: @Sheena_Hutch
Author Links
Seraphina: The Awakening Review
I really enjoyed this book. It was a bit dull the first few chapter or two, but that happens a lot in first books in a series. Once the paranormal elements came in to play it really got my interest up.
I got to say I didn't like Sera very much that first part. Part of that was she has such a dull life that she did complain about a bit. The talk of the depression and that was quite deep and made me uncomfortable at times, But as she got "happy" after the changes, then I started to like her. Didn't like the down feelings she put out at first.
I loved Nate, wow, what a hottie and all around great guy. When I read the Epilogue at the end, made me love him even more, he is the real deal.
Here is a small quote of Nate, he is just so sweet (he is not a stalker, he was sent to protect her and don't want to spoil anything so will just leave it at that)
“I know you barely know me and this might sound crazy to you, but I have known everything about you for months now,” he continues apprehensively, “What I’m trying to say is... I would do anything for you Sera. I would do anything to protect you.” he finishes while he brings the back of my hand to his lips and kisses it softly.
I was suspicious of Jake right away, and still am, not sure what it is, not sure. I think more may be uncovered in another book in series. I sure hope there will be another book, and soon . I didn't see any listed at Gooodreads or anywhere else so not sure when it will be out. I did see a blurb and cover at the authors website, but no release date. I can't wait. This left us hanging, no closures, just more questions and left me wanting more.
The romance part of this book is pretty much non-existent, so if you're looking for a steamy paranormal romance, this is not it. But that's fine with me, I think some author go way overboard with the sexual stuff in my opinion, but not this author, which is refreshing. It is set up for some romance later on I think, and like this stuff to take more time, it's more enjoyable to me. But we do get a bit of the steam with the dreams/visions, not sure which , if they are past lives or future visons. Either way, they are pretty good.
I give this 5 out of 5 stars. I really did enjoy it, especially when it got out of the depressive stage.
I received a copy of this book from the author for my honest review.
This review is also posted at Goodreads and Amazon (likes are always welcome)
This review is also posted at Goodreads and Amazon (likes are always welcome)
Read on for a short excerpt.
Here is an Excerpt I picked so you can experience one of her dreams/visions?-
Friday, December 6th
Those piercing blue eyes envelope me and draw me in, like a fly to a flame. Upon seeing me he reaches his hands out for me and I find myself walking into his arms. He wraps his arm around my waist and I take the opportunity to run my hands up his arms before stopping at his biceps. I can’t help feeling safe and at home in his strong arms. Glancing up to his face, I try to memorize everything I can from his jaw line to every last eyelash. His dark hair is long enough for him to run his fingers through, but not long enough to put behind his ears. The color reminds me of a dark cinnamon, which makes his blue eyes stand out that much more. I notice his smooth skin is pale and flawless, before my eyes are once again drawn to his. Sadly, there are no words to describe them. They can be compared to a cerulean blue, but they have a translucency to them that Crayola could never replicate. He must feel my eyes on him because his eyes finally meet mine. I’m frozen, transfixed by his beauty, I find that I can’t move a muscle. He glances down to my lips and I can’t breathe as he reaches his hand to the tip of my chin. Tightening his grip around my waist he draws me up against his firm physique. At the moment of contact, I feel a pulse of electricity fire through my entire body. Beginning from where he touches me around my waist and firing out to my toes, fingertips, and every strand of hair on my head. His fingers begin to dance across my chin and up my jaw. They then cross my lips before they find themselves back at my chin. When his eyes meet mine again, he pulls my chin to his and kisses me softly. The contact of his full lips against mine, shock me yet again. My knees go weak, as I feel like my whole body is beginning to tingle with a deep fire. As the kiss deepens, his other arm traces its way down my spine to meet its companion at the small of my back. I can’t help but get the feeling he’s been waiting for this moment for a long time as he groans against my lips with passion. Surprisingly, I find that I feel the same way as my fingers find their way up his arm to the nape of his neck and finally intermingling with his hair. I feel like I’ve found something I didn’t know was missing. I feel… whole. It’s as if the last piece of the puzzle is finally complete. As he pulls his lips away, everything begins to slip away, his beautiful face is fading, blurring…
The morning sun is beginning to stream its way through my blinds, hitting me in the face as a gentle reminder that it’s time to wake up. Rolling over onto my side I try to escape the light that seems to become brighter and brighter by the second. I’m not ready to wake up from this new dream I was just having. No sooner do I turn over before I begin hearing the garbage truck outside my window making a horrible raucous. After a few minutes of tin garbage cans being thrown around, my alarm clock begins to beep as well. Exasperated, I sigh loudly to myself as I roll over onto my back again and slam my fists dramatically into the mattress underneath me. Regrettably coming to the conclusion it’s time to begin my day, I roll out of bed exclaiming, “Alright, alright I’m up already!” dramatically to myself. I usually hate waking up in general, but this dream was new… and it was just getting good!
Tour giveaway
5 e-copies of Seraphina
2 baskets of Seraphina Swag Including: a mug, keychain, bookmark, notebook, pen- open to US Shipping
The rest of the blogs on this tour can be found, Here.