Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Giveaway for Captivate (Captivated #1) by S.J. Pierce ~ 5 Star Review !

Captivate Me (Captivated #1)
by S.J. Pierce
Publication date: April 1st 2014 
Genres: Paranormal Romance, Young Adult

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“My mom had always told me – when you meet “the one”, you’ll know; they’ll captivate your heart the moment you lay eyes on them. I had always wondered, though, if my mom’s words of wisdom were finite – if they applied to everyone. Maybe those who had found their one great love were the lucky few, and maybe the rest of us would have to settle for less than earth-shattering.”

Seventeen-year-old Kat Walsh is a Gifted – a human with paranormal abilities. With her mom a former Angel and her dad a dream prophet, it’s always been in her genetic make-up to be extraordinary. Unfortunately for her, the world can’t handle the strange or unusual. So when she slips up and uses her powers at her high school in Ireland, the entire student body treats her like a freak – even the ones she thought were her closest friends.

Broken, but hopeful for a fresh start, she allows her parents to enroll her in a boarding school buried deep within the forests of a small Colorado town. At Midland Pines, School for the Gifted, she feels as though she can finally be herself; she makes new friends and even has the attention of the most popular guy in school – Levi. Everything feels normal again… or does it?

Not long after her arrival, weird dreams of an alluring boy whom she’s never met surface during the night, and the eerie, shadowy trees encircling their school seem to call to her. As these disturbing, yet enticing developments intensify, other bizarre occurrences happen – students and staff turn up missing, and mystery visitors leave gifts while she sleeps. With all of these other things vying for her attention, a desperate Levi has to fight even harder to keep her interest. But with the dreams of the attractive boy slowly captivating her heart, Kat has to make a choice – will she settle for ‘great’ Levi, or will she search for her elusive dream visitor, possibly stumbling across ‘amazing?’

From the author of the Alyx Rayer Chronicles, comes a refreshingly different Young Adult series with plenty of love, suspense, and a new take on the Paranormal.

Recommended for readers 16 and up due to mature content

Author Bio:

Susan James Pierce has a degree in Marketing Management, works for a Fortune 500 company in Atlanta, Georgia, and devotes her precious, spare time to writing Fantasy, Paranormal and Sci-fi novels.

Author Links

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Wow, I mean double, Wow. This was amazing!! I was ‘Captivated’ with this amazing, intense story…. And a pleasant surprise awaited me in the note from the author at the end of this book. I had no idea that Kat’s parents, are none other than Alyx Ryder and Isaac Walsh, from the other series, The Alyx Ryder Chronicles. I had read books one and two, but didn’t know book three was out, so missed out on reading that one. So I didn’t even know how that series had ended, much less them having a kid.

Knowing that now, looking back in this book, I was had a new perspective on the great relationship Kat had with her parents.  Just an awesome read.

This book is a non-stop, edge of your seat, action packed read, with some sweet hot scenes too. I really liked Gabe, and his connection with Kat. How the whole captivated part was done was brilliant.

There are some twist and turns in the plot that I did not see coming. I was very shocked and one main twist, and can’t believe I didn’t see it. This book is written very well.

Below the review is a teaser on a picture of the models from the cover I think, looks like it. Must be Gabe and Kat. Its linked to the authors site where I got it.

I don’t want to give anything major away, so will stop now, my gushing on this could end up spoiling something, lol.

I highly recommend this book, regardless if you read the series about her parents.( Alyx Rayer Series) I didn’t even know, and enjoyed it, I found out at the end in the notes from author. So go check this out. Maybe you will want to read the other series after. But again, not a must.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars. It’s amazing, a favorite and can’t wait for book 2. (No cliffhanger, so that scores high points with me.)

I give the cover 5 out of 5 stars too. It’s amazing, the models are gorgeous, and can easily see them as Kat and Gabe. Covers mean a lot to me, and are very important.

I was given a complimentary copy of this book by the author for my honest review.

This review is also posted at Amazon and Goodreads

A Breath

One breath. One simple, precious breath. It’s something you don’t think about until there’s a possibility that there might not be another. I have to admit, it was something I never fully appreciated either – the whooshing of air into my lungs, saturating my body with life. I suppose it takes a brush with death to do that, to make someone fully understand just how precious it really is.
I shuddered as I awoke, drawing in that lungful of coveted air, my body immobile. I had been tied to a tree.
Clutching a dagger close to his side, my killer stared at me with wild, determined eyes. Never would I have suspected this; he’d always seemed so caring. Now, he wanted something from me, and by the way a hopeful smirk played with his lips, I knew it was more than my last breath he was after.

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